Term 3 Tennis!

Winter Term is here! But that's no excuse to shy away from the tennis court!


We are generally blessed in Perth to experience pretty good weather all year round. Sometimes, it gets a bit windy and we get a little rain! But we play all year round and no matter what your age or playing ability, playing all year round is simply the best way to ensure your tennis keeps improving.

From youngsters developing their hand-eye co-ordination, through to the social tennis player, a break from the game only means you come back rusty, and need to regain the level you left off at. This is not always an easy task. 

We run all lessons through the winter, and if a class needs to be cancelled due to rain we ensure you are credited towards the following term. Where possible, we will let you know as late as 30min before lesson start time via text if a lesson needs to be cancelled. 

So, don't let the colder weather put you off, get on court!

